Development of a Model for Digital Monitoring of the Mental State of the Hospitalized Patient

This study presents the development and validation of a unique Digital Experience Sampling Method (ESM) questionnaire specifically adapted for monitoring changes in the mental state of patients dur ...

: Severe Mental Disorder

A Potential Role for Oxygen in the Development of Mental Fatigue and the Subsequent Decline in Cognitive Performance

Introduction Both Mental Fatigue (MF) and hypoxia impair multiple aspects of cognitive functioning.
The decline in cognitive functioning in hypoxic conditions is associated with alterations in ...

: Mental Fatigue

Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychological Sub-health

Mental health has become an increasing concern, especially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, not all individuals in mental suboptimal states require pharmacological treatm ...

: Mental Suffering

Exposure characteristics and cumulative risk assessment of bisphenol A and its substitutes: the Taiwan environmental survey for toxicants 2013

Introduction: Ever since the use of bisphenol A (BPA) has been restricted, concerns have been raised regarding the use of its substitutes, such as bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol F (BPF). Meanwhile, t

“It's more than just a conversation about the heart”: exploring barriers, enablers, and opportunities for improving the delivery and uptake of cardiac neurodevelopmental follow-up care

Introduction: Surveillance, screening, and evaluation for neurodevelopmental delays is a pivotal component of post-surgical care for children with congenital heart disease (CHD). However, challenges e

Dr. Sara May, Allergy and Immunology

Pain: Types, Etiology, and Treatments - Fundamentals of Nursing - Practice & Skills | @LevelUpRN

Meris covers types of pain, pain etiology and location, pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain management, and ...

Dr. Sara May, Allergy and Immunology

Traumatic Brain Injury: Prevention through an equity lens, mental health impacts, and recovery

Traumatic Brain Injury: Prevention through an equity lens, mental health impacts, and recovery.

Dr. Sara May, Allergy and Immunology

RIDE THE TIGER | The Genetics of Mental Illness | PBS RIDE THE TIGER premieres Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 10:00-11:00 p.m. ET on PBS.